One of my favorite numbers...22.
Two plus Two = 4...God gave me 4 BOYS!
In just 22 days we will be on a plane bound for Africa. Wow. I didn't think a year ago that the time would come so fast! I am so excited!
The past few weeks have been very challenging. Today is a good day. Taylor was released from the Phoenix House for "falling off" his sobriety path. He went to court and was given another court date - he has 30 days to get back into the program. He is eligible to return to the Phoenix House on July 3rd barring any drug use. He went to see his Probation Officer and he needs to return on the 24th to be tested. If he tests positive he will face 6 months in jail. He started new meds and has his good days and his bad. Today is good. That is all I can ask for.
Tonight we have Kids Small Group Graduation. I am so sad to see the year end. I loved every minute of leading Class 101. I am looking forward to teaching a Summer 101 Class with Kamille when I return from Africa. I am sure the Summer will fly by and it will be time for Class 201 in no time. I love each of my students. Unique, each one in their special way. It has been a joy to serve. I think I got more from them than they did from me!
Tomorrow Turner is being recognized at his school for his outstanding Respect, Integrity and Responsibility. I am so proud! Friday Trevan will attend a screening at Westpark Elementary. He is going to repeat Kindergarten next year at a new school with Turner. They will start on July 26th just 2 days after I return home from Africa. Short summer for them as the new school year round. Friday night we have our Rwanda Team Pot Luck Dinner and send off for Team One.
Next week is filled with field trips, end of the year party, Trenton Graduates from 8th Grade, Kamille and Megan Graduate from High School, Trenton and I get more shots for Africa, Taylor visits Probation and then we end the week with a trip to Sea World with Chloe and Danyelle! Whew! Hope I make it!
Lord give me strength!
How can I complain? Lots to celebrate and rejoice in! Thank you Lord! <3
Off to Kids Small Group - last night for the year! :o(