Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New You!

Taylor, Brenton, Trenton, Bailee, Blaine, Bryson, Ben, Brynne, Trevan and Turner

Happy New YOU and

Happy 65th Birthday to my MAMA~

I have been abundantly blessed this Holiday Season!  I got to share this Holiday with both my brothers and their kids!  We spent time at my parent's house.  It has been a long time since all the cousins were together and a fun time was had by all.  Spending time with those I love is the best gift I could ever get.  We laughed and played.  It was just magnificent!  

So, here we are.  A new year.  It seems that I started this blog a year ago on the way to the NEW ME.  Some things in life you conquer and I am afraid that all the goals and visions I had for 2009 were not realized.  So, such is life.  I now have 2010.  

I took the week after Christmas to "just be" in the moment and enjoy my kids and my nieces and nephews.  Now today is here.  I will make my "bucket list" for this year.  I will do some cleaning of my "Mental Closets" and leap into this new year.  I am filled with HOPE and ENTHUSIASM.  

I love a fresh start.  I am so glad that we are not allowed to travel back in time, as I would be greatly confused if this were the case!  We are forced to move forward and for that I am thankful.

The Lord has blessed us, provided for us and carried us along the past couple of years that have been full of trials and challenges.  This year it is my goal to "give back" to God.  I will make a effort to ask Him where He wants me to go, what He wants me to say and pray that I can do a job that He will be proud of.  I am open for Him to use me for His glory.

Many of you know Trenton and I are going to RWANDA this Summer.  We still have a lot of money to raise for our Trip.  Our first installment is due January 10th.  Please pray with us and ask that the Lord touches the hearts of many to help not only us but the others on our team raise the funds needed.

I am SO excited about going!  I am going to be writing my letter this week and sending out my donation requests.  Each donation is so special to me, as I feel that people are investing in Trenton and I and in a dream that I have always had.  I have wanted to go to Africa since I was a little girl.  My dream has been to experience the world, as we don't often get this chance.  I know I will be forever changed.

I am off to make my "2010 Bucket List" of Goals and Objectives, Dreams and Wishes.  When I am done - I will post it for your entertainment!

Make it a GREAT Day!

OKAY - here is my LIST...

2010 Bucket List of Goals, Wishes and Dreams

( I reserve the right to revise this list on a whim!)

My goals are to...
Concentrate of Growing Spiritually
Raise funds needed to go to RWANDA
Deepen Friendships by spending quality time with people
"Weed" my friend garden
Say "No" more often
Become financially secure
Recharge my marriage and home life by communicating more
Lose 1 pound a week from now until June
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Clean out all the Closets
Dig deeper into the technical aspects of photography
Grow my business
Invest in myself
Laugh more
Concentrate more on the "here and NOW" not on "what MAY be"
Take more risks by "putting myself out there" more and not playing it safe
To be more organized

I wish ...
To be less stressed
To be able to afford a larger place with Washer and Dryer (the coin operated community laundry room is killing us!)
To buy some new photo equipment
To be able to "enjoy" exercise
To experience more beauty in nature and take more photo expeditions
To Travel more this year

My dream is...
To have no regrets
To reconnect with old friends
To become all that I can be
To be proud of myself
To realize all my goals and wishes