I LOVE the OCEAN and everything about the sea. I feel so relaxed and amazed at the sights and sounds when at the beach. One day I will live near the ocean - my dream would be to have a little quaint beach cottage. I was thrilled to see these pelicans when we went to Laguna Beach to shoot Chloe's Senior portraits. I does not take much to get me excited when I am near the sea smelling the salt air and warm then cool sand beneath my feet.
The boys had a blast searching for shells and being chased by the surf. It warms my heart to see them so very excited about being in such a tranquil place. I hope that we will have wonderful days spent exploring at the seashore this summer.
The past days I have been a bit unsettled and stressed. I am not sure what is going on - but I know I need to take the peace and tranquility found at the beach and infuse that into my soul. I get excited for the successes of others and was so thrilled to see my friend's daughter on FORBES.com -
Haley Schmidt on Forbes.com
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