Friday, April 17, 2009


Do You Have A Love For Life?

If you died tomorrow would all those who have touched your life know what an impact they have had on you?

Reach out and make the effort to tell others that you care.

Follow your heart and follow through. Do not be a "flaky" friend as this makes the person feel not as important as you may hold them in your heart.

We all have a personal story - do not be afraid to share yours with never know how impactful it could be.

Be honest with your feelings - others will grow to see integrity in your soul.

If you know what it is to "be hungry" remember that feeling and do what you can to help someone in the future not to be where you have been.

Reach out - make the time - to give of yourself to others in life. A simple email, phone call or card in the mail can make more of a differnce than you may ever know...

Most of all - love with all your mind, all your heart and all your soul - love others as you love yourself.
