Thursday, April 9, 2009


I am almost speechless...Stace starts on a project for a company in San Juan Capistrano on Monday! I am also busy training and preparing marketing pieces for WAIORA. Check out my site: WAIORA NATURAL

- I am so excited to start using the products, introducing people to the business and more importantly helping to make my family healthy and stress free! Email me at: to find out more!

I have a built in test panel - Stace with his injuries, Taylor with his Brain Injury, Turner with his Autism, Me with my STRESS, Trenton with his lack of concentration and loss of energy and Trevan with too much energy and recurrent colds and flu bugs!

I am so excited to get a panel of people together to try WAIORA and rediscover your life! Lots to try and tons of positive benefits! Not only a change in our health - but also our wealth! When you are at the bottom there is no other place than up! Diamond in the rough? Perhaps - but watch me chisel myself into a bright shining stone!

I'll keep you posted on our progress - one foot in front of the other . . . that is all we can do.
One day at a time - minute by minute.

The only investment that never fails is investment in bettering yourself for YOU and no one else!
