Yesterday was a whirlwind of phone calls, driving here then there. I borrowed money to put a $2500 deposit at the Journey Rehab Center for Taylor to enter. I picked him up at the hospital and we headed to Journey. With all 4 kids in tow - Taylor had come up with his "own plan" and tried to talk his way out of going - which I hear is typical. We arrived at a comfortable single family residence complete with cats, dogs and a tortoise. He was a bit uneasy as anyone would be. We all prayed together and then the 4 of us left Taylor with high fives from his brothers and a kiss and hug from me. Their plan was to take Taylor to Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback Church last night. I am anxious to speak to Shiree today to see how it went.
I went to my mom and dad's last night to do laundry and stayed the night. Today Trenton will go to Salinas with Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mike to stay with my brother Brent and my nephew Brenton as the other 3 of his kids come here for a visit. I am looking forward to seeing all of them and they will spend the week after next with me. My boys love their cousins and we have a great bond.
I was driving home this morning at 6:30 am and it was beautiful. Fog and dew covering the mountains and trees. I saw hawks flying overhead and was listening to the "FISH" 95.9 FM.
"Glory Defined" came on and these words touched me today -
There's always a better way
there's always a bridge that needs crossings
there's always the straight and the narrow
the wide and the shallow
But I know that you're guiding me
and the best is yet to come
You've given me hope for tomorrow
and I know some day
I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you
It's always the simple things
it's always the obvious that crashes over me
It's always in front of me
it helps me to remember
this is what I live for
and I can't wait
I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you
there's never a question in your message
never a moment without your presence
there's never a doubt in my mind
that I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you
Many Blessings.