Thursday, June 25, 2009


Life is one big puzzle. God knows just where all the pieces will fit together. Some days many pieces fit when others they remain puzzling.

I have been physically and emotionally overwhelmed lately as I wait for the pieces to all fit together. This requires much patience, endurance and strength. My tank is running low on all three!

We met yesterday with the team at UCI to map out a recovery plan for Taylor. We are in the process of making phone calls, checking benefits, looking for financing, and praying for the answers. We have an initial plan in place that would take Taylor out of state to start fresh.

Pray that things fall into place where God wants and that Taylor can begin again with positive steps in his recovery.

It is so hard to do a jigsaw puzzle when you have never seen what it is of! I have no reference point, just endurance to keep on trying.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36

So pray that we hear the whispers from God and that we are following the steps to completing this puzzling journey.

We need you, friends, loved ones and strangers to lift Taylor and his addictions to the Lord asking that he be freed of them. Ask that he finds the right path of treatment and good people to help him in this tough battle.

Many Blessings...

