Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Saturday

Being a mom to 4 boys I have learned a lot. One of the best things I have learned is how to relax. I pick my battles and keep remembering at all times - boys...will be boys.

I guess having 2 younger brothers growing up helped a lot. Sadly, Stace has not learned how to relax. He is uptight it seems all the time. Always stewing and fretting over every move the boys make. Shouting a them to stop this, and not touch that, to slow down, to be more quiet. He tends to be overly cautious and "freak out" over the smallest things. This was just the case yesterday. He had been working near the "wedge" in the morning and saw the 25+ foot waves. He decided to take us on a drive in the afternoon when he returned home early from work.

We ended up at Crystal Cove. We hiked down the trail to a clearing where we could see the surfers from a perch on the side of a cliff. The kids were excited and Stace a nervous wreck fearing that they would move too close to the edge and fall to their death. "Daddy, we are JUST looking!" said Trevan. "Yeah Dad! I am not going to be so dumb and fall!" said Turner. Even they know. I was excited to see the huge waves and the brave, thrill seeking surfers enjoying a rare moment here. We snapped some photos and then hiked down the trail to the water.

It was overcast and a bit muggy - not at all like the beach days I am use to. I was breaking a sweat and longing for the familiar ocean breeze that I love to cool me down. The kids ran this way and that scouting for seashells and picking up seaweed. Stace right on their heels scolding them to "PUT THAT DOWN" or "GET BACK HERE!". I realized that I am far more at ease at the beach than he. He complained about getting his sandals sandy. He kept saying to me "Let's Go..." I had a moderately nice time but know now that the next beach expedition I embark on will be without him!

Differences in personality. Opposites. That is what we are. He being the uptight man, me being the laid back woman. I wonder who my boys will take after? We will wait and see!

Today is Saturday. Stace was remanded to participate in the dreaded California Traffic School by the courts following his accident. Today is that day. He is bored I am sure and probably hating every minute of it. I on the other hand am here at home in the company of two chattering and argumentative little boys Turner and Trevan, Taylor who is very mellow and Kamille the sweet lovely girl that was Taylor's first love. She and he are still friends and she has been gracing us with her company lately. I t is nice to actually have a girl in the house!

I am enjoying each moment of the coolness of the morning. We have a fan blowing and every 15 seconds it pushes a coolness over me that is as comforting as a crisp cool blanket. I know that in a matter of hours the apartment will heat up like an oven. It is almost like a competition. One between the heat of the day and how long I can stand it. I close up the blinds to keep the bright sunlight out, I turn on the fans. I try to battle it and see how long I can hold off without turning on the A/C. Some days I win. I go all day without. Others I can not take it and I break down and bask in the cool air that pumps out of the tiny wall mounted unit, wondering what it will cost me each minute it runs. Bittersweet.

I am not physically feeling well still. I am exhausted. No matter how much sleep I try to get - I still arise tired. It seems the medication that the doctor wishes to have me take is in a class that I am allergic to. I am going to have to try vitamins and supplements to see if we can find the right combo to kick my under active thyroid into gear. I will start taking B-12 orally as well as iron for the anemia - and hope that this works. I do not wish to go have daily injections!

Today I am sore from biopsies that were done yesterday. I also woke with a case of the unsightly hives. It is covering my legs, and mid section. My hands and feet are swollen and I have bumps on my tongue and on the inside of my mouth. Just lovely. I put a call in to the doctor - as I do not know what could have caused this. Perhaps the numbing agent they used yesterday at the doctor - who knows. We won't focus on the negative, but rather on what I can do with this day.

So on that note - I am going to take a warm bath to try to soothe these hives, drink my coffee and edit some photos.

Below are some photos I took at Crystal Cove...enjoy!