Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's Bigger Than ME~

Little Rwandan Girl

I have been getting emails from people who read my blog.  I LOVE the Feedback!  Thanks for taking the time to drop me a line!  I have been asked this question again and again...

"I am just wondering why you would want to go all the way across the world to AFRICA of all places?"  Another person wrote "You can teach kids here about GOD - why take the risk of getting a disease and going all that way?"

My only good explanation is that "I am being called".  I feel it in my heart.  I feel an urging from God to go and do his work.  This is "so much bigger than me". 

Here is an excerpt from my letter...

In 2005 I stood at Anaheim Stadium for the 25th Anniversary of Saddleback Church's Celebration and learned about Pastor Rick's P.E.A.C.E. Plan.  P.E.A.C.E. is an acronym that stands for "Plant churches, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick, and Educate the next generation," Pastor Rick said.  I held up a sign that said "Whatever It Takes" and I meant it.

I have dreamed of traveling to Africa since then.  Times have been tough and the timing has not be right for me to go.  At that time I had 2 small babies.  They are now 5 and 6.  I have watched my friends travel there and have seen how their lives and their children's lives have been transformed.  To be a part of something that is far greater than "you" is truly an amazing gift, opportunity and blessing.  I am so happy that my time has now come.  In June of next year, Trenton and I will be joining our friends old and new.  We will be part of the All Star's P.E.A.C.E. Team traveling to Kigali, Rwanda, Africa.

We will be asking for the Lord's provisions and blessings in raising the funds.  We will be hosting more Garage Sales, Selling items on eBay, Making sacrifices in our daily routines and spending, Recycling cans and bottles, and many more fund raising events.  We will be asking friends and family to support our efforts through prayer and donations.  

Many people are facing challenges economically.  But compared to the people in Rwanda, we are richly blessed!

We know and feel this first hand.  It was so important to me to help support our friends, the Plaza family when they were going to Africa. Even though Stace had been in a car accident and we found ourselves facing becoming homeless  I felt the Lord calling me to sacrifice and help them.  I found a way to give them a small donation and then felt like I was vested in their journey.  It was not much, but it was all I could do.  God knew my heart and I felt blessed to be able to help - even in a small way.  I prayed for them and awaited their email updates.  I could not wait for their return and to hear of their adventure.  Most importantly I got to hear how they changed lives and brought people to know the Lord.

I can't explain why, but I just love the innocence and the beauty of all kids.  I think it is so wondrous that they have such pure and innocent minds.  I feel a great responsibility to share, educate and touch those little lives.  I am going to be a Kid's Small Group Leader this fall.  I am excited to learn from these kids as we journey through Class 101 together.  I am excited to share my journey and how the Lord has been faithful to our family with them.  I am even more excited that they will be a part of my Mission's Trip.  They may not be coming along with me, but can pray for us and be a "part" of the trip in spirit.

I am so blessed to be a part of a wonderful Church.  I am even more blessed to have been touched and led to be a part of something that is SO MUCH BIGGER than me.  I ask that you pray for Trenton and I as we continue on this journey.

I hope that you will be a "part" of something bigger than you by praying for us, with us and helping us realize this dream to go on Mission to Rwanda.

Many Blessings to you!
Janean and Trenton Lindner


I hope that this helps answer some of the questions as to WHY...

I thank you in advance for your prayers and support.  Remember every little bit helps!  You can help us save cans and bottles for our Recycling Project, you can donate an item for our silent auction and dinner, you can make a donation.  Most of all - you can PRAY for us to be able to raise the funds, stay healthy and be a successful part of this team!
