Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rx For Worry...

Some people were born natural worriers.   My husband is one of them.  I try to not be a worry wart but there are times we just can't help it.

Being a mom I worry about my kids.  I would say I have a healthy level of worry - I do not smother them and I do know that God loves them more than I (which must be a heck of a lot!).  I do let go and let God - in many areas.  I have SO many boys and therefor SO many worries - I could not possibly effectively worry enough - so I let God handle things...most of the time!

Yesterday I picked Turner up from school and he had a fever.  He immediately told me he had the "SWINE FLU" and he just might die.  He was so worried.  I hugged him, put a cool cloth on his head when we got home and tried to comfort him the best I knew how.  He then told me that we needed to get to church so he could go in the "BATH-TISMAL" at the Refinery.  Our church has a really cool spot for the teens and outside there is an awesome water feature, waterfall and a baptismal.  The kids are allowed to play in it.  It is a favorite spot with my boys.  

This summer - it said "Baptismal Closed".  They wanted to know why so I briefly explained what Baptism was.  They were present last year when Stace and Trenton were baptized so they had an idea.
I told them when we are baptized we are clean from all past sin and we are now NEW in Christ Jesus.

When I asked Turner WHY he wanted to go to Church to go in the baptismal - he replied..."You said if you take a bath in the BATH-TISMAL you will be all clean and Jesus will make you all new inside.  I am sick and need to get well...so LETS GO!"

Turner being sick thought that going to church and getting "clean" in the BATH-TISMAL would take his sickness away.  

My eyes welled up with tears as I explained that it did not exactly work that way - but almost!!

I was cleaning some things out yesterday, as I tend to TRY to become organized when I feel things are getting out of control.  I came across an old notebook I had when I was in High School.  Inside was a small slip of paper with my grandmother's writing on it - it read:

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave your nor forsake you."  Deuteronomy 31:6
"Perfect love drives out fear."  1 John 4:18

I do not know why she sent me those verses - but they made me stop and remember that no matter what my worry may be - I must remember that the perfect love of Jesus is always with me...AND my kids.

So, I will not worry about Turner's sickness.  I will not worry about financial burdens.  I will not worry about my struggle to lose weight and my health.  I will give these worries over to God, as he says in Matthew 28-30...
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Hard to remember sometimes.  Sometimes we just give in to worry - when we don't even have to!

Now - off to the BEACH to photograph some BEAUTY and be "worry free" for a couple hours!
