Saturday, August 15, 2009

God Speaks...

On a Mission to Go On Mission...

The Harvest Crusade last night was amazing. God spoke to many. He spoke to me. I have never been more committed to my mission - to go on A Mission - to RWANDA in 2010, than I am today! When God speaks - we need to listen!

I was laying in bed this morning half asleep, praying and asking God to show me a way to raise the needed funds for our trip. As clear as day - as if GOD was sitting on my bed I had a clear thought in my head. It was spelled out like this..."If you each get 12 people to sponsor you at $25 a month for the next 10 will have the funds needed to go on the trip."

WOW. I jumped up out of bed and did the math. $25 a month = $250 x 12 = $3000!!

Incredible! Now I know I was far too sleepy to calculate that - after all I took basic math classes in school. I did not get the genius brain like my brother Brian who can compute large numbers in his head.

Thanks God. We ask - he answers - you just have to "hear Him"!

So, with that - I am looking for 12 sponsors and Trenton is as well.
So we need 24 people to commit to sending us $25 a month for the next 10 months to help us go to Rwanda in June 2010.

This is doable - I know it is. Praise be to God for providing the answers!

Last night I was moved by the great number of people who came to know the Lord at the Harvest Crusade. I want to be a part of that. I want to share the love of Christ with the children in Rwanda. This will be an experience of a lifetime and I am so excited to be a part of this! To be able to share it with Trenton will mean the world to me.

So, if you would like to commit to Sponsoring us at $25 a month for the next 10 months - please email me at:

You can donate via PayPal -

Or simply send a check made out to:

Saddleback Church - Trip ID 6433 in the MEMO

Mail it to me at:

Janean Lindner
28715 Los Alisos Blvd Ste 7-348
Mission Viejo, CA 92692

PLEASE EMAIL ME and let me know if you wish to become one of our TRIP SPONSORS...

We will make a list of our Sponsors on our website at:
Thanks so much for your consideration! If you can not Sponsor us monthly - you can send us a much needed donation! Any amount will help us realize our goals! Any money we receive above and beyond our goal will go to our TEAM - and help others go on Mission too! A win - win - win!!!


This was the devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie that was sent to me by a friend in Christ today...
I hope you can take something positive from it - as I did!!

When I am interviewed by reporters about Harvest Crusades, the question I am asked more than any other is, "Why do you do this? Why do you put all of this effort into these events?"

It is a lot of work to do these events. We do them out of our ministry through Harvest Ministries and Harvest Christian Fellowship, the church where I pastor. Some take more than a year to set up, with preparation work and training classes. They require a lot of effort.

So why do it? Because I am a man under orders. I have a Commander-in-Chief called Jesus. He has commanded me to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

As I have often said, it is not the Great Suggestion; it is the Great Commission. And I am not the only one who is called to do this. You are called to do this as well.

It isn't really an option for me to say, "I won't share my faith. I won't preach the gospel. I won't tell others about Jesus." For me not to do this, for me not to make an effort to reach others with the gospel can be sin, because there are sins of commission and omission.

The sin of commission is doing what you should not do, while the sin of omission is not doing what you ought to do. The Bible tells us, "To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (Jams 4:17 NKJV).

Let's say that somehow I had discovered the cure for cancer. Would it be wrong for me to keep that secret to myself and never tell anyone? Of course it would.

How much more wrong would it be to keep it a secret if we have the cure, if you will, for eternal damnation?

We have the solution to humanity's problems. We have the way for people to know God. If we only apply that in our own lives and keep it to ourselves and never tell others, then certainly that is falling short of what God would want.

Yet most Christians do not engage in evangelism. I read a survey that said that 95 percent of Christians have never led another person to Christ. I don't know what percentage you fall into, and I don't want to lay a guilt trip on you. In fact, it just may be that you have been involved in more people coming to the Lord than you realize.

Every prayer that you have prayed for a lost person, every time you have given out a gospel tract, every time you have just been a good witness where you live or work, you have been, in effect, sowing a seed and engaged in the work of evangelism.

Evangelism is not only telling people about Christ—though evangelism includes that—it is also getting out there and letting your light shine.

You may sow a seed that another may water. Then again, you may water a seed that someone else has sown. Or, you may reap where others have both sown and watered. As the apostle Paul said, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase" (1 Corinthians 3:6 NKJV). You play a part.

When we were in Hawaii a number of years ago for a Harvest Crusades event, one of our volunteers was out on the streets with his little boy, handing out invitations to the event. When his son spotted a very burly biker with tattoos up and down his arms, he said, "Dad, I am going to go give him an invitation."

His father told him no, but the boy insisted. Before he could stop his son, he was tugging on the biker's arm. The biker looked down, and the boy gave him the flyer. Then the biker crumpled it up.

The father and son quickly made their exit, but the encounter went better than they realized. That night when the gospel invitation was given, the first man on the field was that biker. He came because a little boy gave him a flyer.

The seed you sow today could turn into a tremendous harvest later. Remember, the Word of God will not return void, but it will prosper in the place where He sends it (see Isaiah 55:11). You may think your attempt to share the gospel went nowhere, but you never know.

So keep sharing your faith. And be patient.