Taken at Whittier Christian Church built in 1923
It is Tuesday and I worked in Trevan's Kindergarten Class as I do each week. The kids are starting to recognize me and wave their small hands at me and say "Hi Trevan's Mommy!" some with toothless grins.
I love working in the class and watching as the different personalities try to absorb the lessons at hand. Some get right down to business forming each letter with precision. Others try unconventional ways of holding the pencil and stroke with reckless abandon in an attempt to make the letters "their way". Some rush to get the work done while others use each minute wisely to do the best job they can. Children. They are such wonderful little beings!
I walked home, the air just the perfect temperature. A slight crispness, cool but not cold. As the sun played peek-a-boo behind clouds that dotted the sky it kissed my face with it's warmth. Feeling relaxed I breathed in the Fall air smelling the leaves that crunched beneath my feet. I know the unpredictability of California weather and we are expecting cooler temps, high winds then back to the heat. So, I will enjoy this moment while it is here. I walk in the door as Stace is preparing to leave to go to where I had just been, to pick up Trevan.
Trevan and Turner love having Daddy pick them up. A small thing that is a big deal in their world. My stomach growling I realize I headed out this morning with nothing to eat. I peruse the fridge trying to decide on what to eat for lunch. Deciding to wait until Trevan got home I grabbed a handful of Cheez Its - knowing I should not, but unable to resist the temptation.
I plopped into my bed with my laptop to quickly check email before the little dude gets home. Anxious to see if any fruit had come from the many job applications that we have put in, I scanned the inbox. Nothing. As the surge of anticipation waned I poked one Cheez It after another into my mouth. My stomach gnawing away as each bite goes down.
Stace arrives home and inquires as to the status of the applications. I tell him no news. He loads up laundry baskets to take to my mom and dad's. The weather is going to get cooler and the kids do not have long sleeve shirts. We made a trip to the Goodwill Store a few weeks ago and I found 2 long sleeve shirts for the boys. Ones that they can layer over short sleeve tees. They need to be laundered. He bid us farewell and set out to do the laundry and gather the mail.
He needs to have a purpose in his day. Not working is eating him up inside and the stress builds. It swells inside him until he can no longer contain it. He lashes out at every one around and things become unruly and sad. So, off he goes. I hope the time away, being alone with his thoughts will help.
I will spend the rest of my day nursing my back as I have strained it somehow. I will search for more jobs and submit more applications and resumes.
Facebook alerted me that my "In God We Trust" message for today is:
Janean got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that you've been driving yourself too hard lately.
Sure, there is time to invest yourself fully into work, but there is equally important time for joyful resting. And for you, this time is now. What is the absolutely most wonderful little treat you can give yourself? Do it today.
So perhaps I will rest. Rest in Him and know that He has it all under control.
I love working in the class and watching as the different personalities try to absorb the lessons at hand. Some get right down to business forming each letter with precision. Others try unconventional ways of holding the pencil and stroke with reckless abandon in an attempt to make the letters "their way". Some rush to get the work done while others use each minute wisely to do the best job they can. Children. They are such wonderful little beings!
I walked home, the air just the perfect temperature. A slight crispness, cool but not cold. As the sun played peek-a-boo behind clouds that dotted the sky it kissed my face with it's warmth. Feeling relaxed I breathed in the Fall air smelling the leaves that crunched beneath my feet. I know the unpredictability of California weather and we are expecting cooler temps, high winds then back to the heat. So, I will enjoy this moment while it is here. I walk in the door as Stace is preparing to leave to go to where I had just been, to pick up Trevan.
Trevan and Turner love having Daddy pick them up. A small thing that is a big deal in their world. My stomach growling I realize I headed out this morning with nothing to eat. I peruse the fridge trying to decide on what to eat for lunch. Deciding to wait until Trevan got home I grabbed a handful of Cheez Its - knowing I should not, but unable to resist the temptation.
I plopped into my bed with my laptop to quickly check email before the little dude gets home. Anxious to see if any fruit had come from the many job applications that we have put in, I scanned the inbox. Nothing. As the surge of anticipation waned I poked one Cheez It after another into my mouth. My stomach gnawing away as each bite goes down.
Stace arrives home and inquires as to the status of the applications. I tell him no news. He loads up laundry baskets to take to my mom and dad's. The weather is going to get cooler and the kids do not have long sleeve shirts. We made a trip to the Goodwill Store a few weeks ago and I found 2 long sleeve shirts for the boys. Ones that they can layer over short sleeve tees. They need to be laundered. He bid us farewell and set out to do the laundry and gather the mail.
He needs to have a purpose in his day. Not working is eating him up inside and the stress builds. It swells inside him until he can no longer contain it. He lashes out at every one around and things become unruly and sad. So, off he goes. I hope the time away, being alone with his thoughts will help.
I will spend the rest of my day nursing my back as I have strained it somehow. I will search for more jobs and submit more applications and resumes.
Facebook alerted me that my "In God We Trust" message for today is:
Janean got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that you've been driving yourself too hard lately.
Sure, there is time to invest yourself fully into work, but there is equally important time for joyful resting. And for you, this time is now. What is the absolutely most wonderful little treat you can give yourself? Do it today.
So perhaps I will rest. Rest in Him and know that He has it all under control.