Friday, January 2, 2009

I took a leap of faith today and submitted an application at Kaiser Hospital for ANY available position that I may be suited for. Pray that I hear something...our finances are DIRE...

I also learned that as of January 1, 2009 we employees get to park in the far east lot and walk to the hospital. It is 3/4 a mile. No problem - I AM trying to walk more - so I was actually smiling at the security guard when he told me. (This threw him for a curve.) He said - "You look okay with this..." I told him - "No problem at all - I will enjoy the walk as long as it is not raining!".

I finished my shift and met up with Chloe and Megan. We had some girl time and then ate. I took another leap and tried Mediterranean food. I have never tried it and prayed that I could make a reasonable choice given my new weight loss plan. I had grilled salmon - it was delicious!

I am home now trying to warm up. The fog and misty day is a cool one - in the 40's. I know it could be worse! I took yet another leap and ate soynuts, dried cranberries and lemon almonds that they had at the hospital as my snack. I actually liked them all! Eating healthier is not such a bad thing if you just have an open mind!

Here are some facts on SOY NUTS: (they taste like peanuts or the almost popped popcorn kernels at the bottom of the popcorn bucket!)
From Dr. Wells...
As you know, I'm a big fan of whole soy foods because the phytochemicals (called isoflavones) they contain have been shown in hundreds of studies to help prevent heart disease and several forms of cancer. They firm the skin and help prevent wrinkles. Like other soy foods, roasted soybeans - known as "soy nuts" - deliver these health benefits, and they're a tasty and nutritious snack. A one-ounce serving (about one-quarter of a cup) amounts to 120 calories, 10 grams of protein and six grams of fiber. It also contains four grams of fat, three of them unsaturated. You can get roasted soy nuts flavored, salted and unsalted. Try tossing them into a salad for some crunch.

Take a LEAP today - it just may pay off!
P.S. I did take the stairs - I did not huff and puff either :o)